How does trauma affect our minds?

In many respects trauma has more of a pronounced effect on our minds that it doesn’t on our body. it certainly has the capacity and ability to deeply affect our senses and how we view the world. It can also destroy relationships and make living with other humans virtually impossible. Here are some of the ways it can do this and it can be recognised attending Trauma informed practice training from

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It can create anxiety. This is a high level sensor fear in the person experiencing the trauma. It can be  crippling with its ability to reduce people’s life choices and chances as they avoid situations of a social nature.

Another Factor is depression, an extreme form of sadness that can create a crushing sense of hopelessness and an unwillingness to try and engage with life by the person who is suffering it. They will believe that life itself is no longer worth living and that everything is pointless.

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There is often no escape from the actual event being replayed in the mind of the person suffering from the trauma. These are known as flashbacks. There can be certain situations that trigger the person as if they are living the experience of the trauma all over again.

Dissociation is where people decide to become disconnected from a sense of reality. They will feel as if they are watching a television programme with themselves on screen merely monitoring their life as a player in a play. There is also a certain degree of uncontrollability about their actions as they make decisions that they would not normally make.

Trauma also promotes a sense of people looking to avoid certain situations. If flashbacks occur they may not want to engage in certain situations that can recreate the feelings that they felt before.

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