How To Cope With Arthritis

How to cope with arthritis depends upon the stage of the chronic disease, and the response that your body has to treatment. If you suffer from a mild case then your doctor may recommend a type of limited mobility brace, or splint, to help control the pain and stiffness associated with this condition. This will allow you to go about your daily life but it won’t prevent further joint damage, nor will it improve any long term health issues you may have.

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Your lifestyle is one of the main ways in which to cope with arthritis. You should avoid putting on weight, as this will make it even more difficult to deal with your symptoms. You should also try to cut down on your alcohol consumption, as it will have a negative effect on your health and increase your risk of joint damage due to rheumatic fever. There are some people who find that taking up a hobby helps them cope with their chronic condition. Gardening, for example, can be a great coping mechanism for those who have rheumatoid arthritis. Find out about Adaptive Phase 1 Clinical Studies for this condition and many others at Richmond Pharmacology

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How to cope with arthritis will depend upon the severity of your symptoms. If you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis then you will have to rely on anti-inflammatory drugs to control your inflammation. These can include steroids, which work by reducing the amount of inflammation in your joints, and thus reducing the pain. Cortisone shots can also be prescribed by your doctor to reduce swelling. Both of these forms of medication should only be used as a last resort for managing severe cases of arthritis.

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