Coping with Family Living Abroad

There are many people who have loved ones that live a long way away from them. Whether its parents who have decided to retire in another country, or siblings that have moved abroad for work opportunities, there are lots of reasons for why many families live in completely different parts of the world.

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This can be tough, as it is not like having family down the road, or even in the next town or city, who can pop in and visit at the drop of a hat. Usually, in these situations, trips have to be planned in advance, and of course there is the cost and currently the unreliability of air travel to contend with.

However, it is not all doom and gloom – having family that you don’t see as often can make you value the time that you spend with them more and can actually improve many family relationships that can be rocky when you are living too closely together.

Staying in touch is something that both parties have to use a bit more effort on, but this is fairly easy to do in this day and age. Here are a few tips on how to make sure that your relationships with family living overseas remain strong and healthy…

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Communication – This is the key word when it comes to relationships with family in another country. Keeping in the loop is easy, and you can schedule calls on things like skype and zoom nowadays, as well as traditional phone calls. When there is a time zone difference, forward planning is needed, so arrange a time that works for both parties.

Sending Gifts – Being overseas is no reason to forget about birthdays and anniversaries. Before you send anything, check what the rules are on importing into that particular country, so your gift doesn’t end up being seized at customs! Someone like this couriers Slough is a great way to get things sent overseas quickly and easily.

Planning Visits – When it comes to arranging meet ups, combining it with a holiday is a good idea. Make sure that both parties are happy with the dates, and book flights well in advance as you usually get better prices this way.

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