What to wear to the Formula One

Whether you are a regular attendee to the Formula 1 racing or this is your first time, like any event, the old question of what to wear raises its head. We have put together some simple fashion tips to help you get ready for the weekend, from practice day to race day. With these tips and your own sense of style, you are sure to be comfortable and confident during your trip to see the thrilling F1.

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Comfort Is Key

While those shoes with the high heels look fabulous in the magazine, they are really only for sitting down in. At the VIP lounges, you will be moving around and likely spending lots of the day on your feet. You will also want to wear something that keeps you cool such as Farah Shirts or a nice summer dress.

Dress for the Day

The F1 is not a one-day event, happening over four days that see practice circuits, qualifying and then the big race itself. So dress accordingly for each day. As the racing builds up, so should your wardrobe. Stay smart-casual at the start of the event and build up to your finery on the final race day. In short, save the big guns for the big race.

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Baggage Allowance

It’s not just your flight that restricts big bags – so does the F1. You will not be allowed to bring in any large bags, so only bring your essentials. Invest in a cute wrist wallet or small pouch bag.

Humans Only, Please

Seems obvious, but no pets are allowed at the F1. Of course, no one would bring their parrot or guinea pigs – what we mean are those little handbag dogs. They might look cute on your arm, but they are not allowed at the F1.


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