How Can I Improve My Credit Rating?

A poor credit score can affect your ability to rent a house, get a car, or even buy life insurance. A poor score can be improved by limiting the number of new credit requests you make each year, keeping old accounts open, and dealing with payments on time. You can also use credit monitoring to keep track of your progress. A good credit rating depends on a lot of factors, so understanding your credit history is key. Find out more about how KNOW YOUR CUSTOMER processes used by creditors by visiting

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Payment history is a very important part of your credit score. If you are able to pay your bills on time, your score will rise quickly. Also, if you are carrying a balance, make sure that it is under 10 percent. A high balance will reduce your score. Another factor that affects your credit score is your credit utilisation ratio, which should be below 30%. This can be achieved by making minimum payments on all accounts, and lowering the amount of outstanding debt you have.

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You can raise your credit score in as little as 12 months if you make your payments on time. Try to make at least one payment a week, and make it on time every time. You can also set up automatic payments through your credit card company, loan provider, or bank. Getting current and staying current is vital, as the negative impact of missed payments will fade as time goes on. Keeping a good payment pattern will boost your credit score a good amount of points.

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