Adapting to working from home

If you are currently working from home and looking at ways in which you can adapt to this new way of working there are a number of things that you can do to support yourself.

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Go to work – whilst we can not attend our workplaces and for those people who are looking at their options for home working going forwards, you need to get yourself into the mindset of going to work. This can involve getting dressed into your normal work clothing and creating a dedication space to work. This could be a desk with a Draughtsman Chair that will feel very much like working in your office.

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Productivity – in order to maintain your productivity you should break your day into manageable time slots. This could be working out what time in the morning you are going to have a break and a time to take lunch. Research has shown that people who work from home tend to work harder and longer hours, so it is important to take some breaks. Taking your daily tasks and breaking them down further can help you to feel like you have achieved your goals. You can use an alarm to do this if it helps and time tracking software such as Toggl.

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